Do you carry ANY dangerous goods?

Carrying ANY amount of the 9 categories of dangerous goods, does mean you still need to comply with ADR regulations even if you are carrying below the quantity thresholds.

The quantity threshold is determined by the category of dangerous goods you are carrying and varies for each one.  The 9 categories are then broken down into transport categories which are:

  • Category 0
  • Category 1
  • Category 1A
  • Category 2
  • Category 2A
  • Category 3
  • Category 4

Even when you carry below the threshold for the type of dangerous goods, you still need to provide all your staff that come into contact with any of them, the ADR Awareness Training.

ADR Regulations cover drivers, packers, fillers, loaders and unloaders.  The training must include:

  • awareness training, covering the general requirements of ADR
  • function-specific training, covering the detailed requirements of ADR and (where relevant) other modes of transport
  • safety training, covering the hazards and dangers presented by dangerous goods and awareness of safe handling and emergency response procedures commensurate with the degree of risk of injury or exposure arising from an incident involving carriage of dangerous goods

Details of all training should be kept by the employer and employee. Training must be verified when starting a new job, and there should be periodic refresher courses taking account of changes in the law.

We help companies with ADR training and providing an external DGSA if required, so if you would like to ask us anything please feel free to contact us through the contact page.

#dangerousgoods #ADR #training #DGSA #safetyadvisor #compliance #regulations

1 Comment

  1. Sandra Murphy on 24/01/2022 at 10:28 am

    Please could you tell me if you run an A DR course in the near future?

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