What is FORS?

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a nationally recognised, voluntary scheme available to any UK fleet operators, fleet managers and drivers of commercial vehicles looking to measure and improve standards within their fleet operation.

FORS offers UK haulage drivers, fleet managers and fleet operators the tools to help:

  • Improve road safety awareness
  • Improve fuel efficiency and reducing fuel emissions
  • Reduce the number of fines and other vehicle-related charges
  • Provide a better understanding and knowledge of the fleet industry
  • Provide training and education to help organisations streamline safety processes

How Will FORS Help my Fleet Operations?

Becoming a FORS member demonstrates to potential clients that your commercial fleet operation offers exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency, and environmental protection - highlighting your intention to exceed the industry standard.

Many large-scale sectors including construction, fleet operations, waste management, rail, infrastructure, wholesale, and retail, recognise FORS as a mark of excellence - with 85% of contract decision makers requiring fleet operators to obtain the FORS accreditation before signing a partnership.

As a business, FORS provides you with the peace of mind that your business is correctly managing Work Related Road Risk (WRRR) and presents the opportunity to make huge savings across the company.

Should I sign up to the FORS scheme?

In conclusion, although the FORS accreditation is not a legal requirement, it is hugely beneficial, and highly recommended that all UK haulage and transportation companies register their commercial fleet of vehicles to the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS).

If you need any help with registering your commercial fleet for FORS, please get in touch with our FORS team through fors@totalcompliance.co.uk or call 0345 900 1312.

For more information on FORS please see our featured articles:

Who needs FORS accreditation?