Speed Limits

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Like any part of Road Traffic Law, speed limits are important as they are set to ensure road safety.

The Traffic Commissioners do, specifically, list ensuring that the vehicles held under an operators licence adhere to speed limits as one of the twelve operator licence undertakings.

There are 2.4M speeding tickets issued every year and only up to a sixth of these are successfully cancelled which means that the actual figure is 2M. It is fairly obvious based on this figure why the Traffic Commissioners of Great Britain feel the need to make this a requirement of a licence.

It is fair to say that a speeding bus or lorry is more dangerous than lighter vehicles simply by size, and the Traffic Commissioners do not take kindly to drivers who get speeding tickets or complaints from the public about speeding vehicles.

So what can you do as operators do about it: – 

Drivers inductions – You can test and confirm drivers knowledge about speed limits

Tracking software – This will help you to see where your drivers are and how fast they are going

Periodic practical driver training – Have your drivers undergo an assessment to ensure that they have a positive attitude towards speed limits and that their driving style reflects this

Disciplinary process for drivers who exceed the rules – This shows proactive measures to deal with offenders

The Traffic Commissioner does not expect your drivers will never get a speeding ticket. They do, however, expect you to be proactive in ensuring that if an issue does occur that you deal with it promptly to ensure that your obligations under operator licensing are discharged in the most efficient and effective way.

If you need any assistance with the topics covered in our Total Compliance Fortnightly Focus, please get in touch through info@totalcompliance.co.uk or by called 0345 9001312.

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