Eligibility to Join the DVSA Earned Recognition

Eligibility for DVSA Earned Recognition: Meeting the Criteria…

Are you considering applying for DVSA Earned Recognition? Before you dive into the application process, it’s crucial to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria. Let’s take a closer look at the requirements you need to fulfill:

  1. Minimum License Duration: To be eligible, you must have held a heavy goods vehicle (HGV) or public service vehicle (PSV) operator license for a minimum of two years. This demonstrates your experience and stability as an operator within the transport industry.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: The Traffic Commissioner should not have taken any regulatory action, except for a formal warning, against any of your operator licenses within the last two years. This requirement underscores the importance of maintaining a clean compliance record and adherence to regulatory standards.
  3. Management Systems: It’s essential to have robust management systems in place for vehicle maintenance and digital management systems for drivers’ hours. These systems should allow you to effectively track key performance indicators (KPIs) and generate reports if any KPIs are missed. This ensures that you have the necessary infrastructure to monitor and manage critical aspects of your operations.
  4. Compliance with Earned Recognition Audit Standards: To qualify for DVSA Earned Recognition, you must meet the audit standards set by DVSA. These standards encompass various aspects of compliance, including vehicle maintenance, driver hours, and overall operator performance. Meeting these standards demonstrates your commitment to maintaining high operational standards and continuously improving your compliance practices.

If You Have Multiple Operator Licenses:

If your organisation holds multiple operator licenses, it’s important to note that the application for DVSA Earned Recognition must be made for the entire business rather than individual licenses. You are required to report data and comply with the program’s standards across all your operator licenses.

In cases where multiple legal entities operate under one group and share the same management systems, you have the option to make a single group application. This allows you to align the audit standards and key performance indicators across the entire group.

It’s crucial to understand that once an individual legal entity is included in the group accreditation, it cannot be removed unless there is a change in ownership or the entity no longer exists.

By meeting the eligibility criteria and adhering to the requirements, you can position your business for the benefits and recognition that come with DVSA Earned Recognition. It’s an opportunity to showcase your commitment to compliance, efficiency, and excellence in the transport industry.

If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us at info@totalcompliance.co.uk or by calling 0345 9001312. We can provide consultancy support, pre-audits and we are DVSA earned recognition audit provider.

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